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January 31, 2007



Jeremy, thank you. That was amazing. I didn't see it coming, but dear lord, then it makes even more sense. I keep leaving As She Climbed across the Table for you to borrow.


My Harper's subscription just started and this was the first issue I got. I almost didn't want to read the list of sources, hoping I'd stumble upon them one day by accident. The only ones I immediately recognized were some of the Lessig and the “E Unibus Pluram" stuff, which I've read a good kajillion times already.


E Unibus was the stuff that tipped me, but I must admit I fell for it, it just felt familiar. And I've had variations on this conversation before, especially when talking about Girl Talk/Paul Schrader on Tarantino, etc.


Speaking of, I'm not sure if you have it or want it, but here's an on-air mix Girl Talk did that I got from Pinch: http://www.laugharn.net/audio/wpts.mp3


Do want, didn't have.



Nick Sylvester posts some Girl Talk re: this article.

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